News satire, also called fake news, is a type of parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism, and called a satire because of its content. To offer a diversity of opinions and content Google News does contain some satire, often humorous or hyperbolic stories with the intention of social commentary. We identify these types of articles with the tag (satire), so that you'll know when you're reading a satirical article More More relations if this word : satire, sàtira, satiiri - satire, satyre, satire", satire), " satire, satira, sátira, SATIRE, Satira, Satire., Satiiri, satire., Sattire, Satyre, SAtire, Satire), satire, #satire, Sàtira, SATIRA, " Satire, SATTIRE, _satire, SAtira
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